Cannabis & Mental Illness

Questions are regularly asked about cannabis use and its potential risks, such as psychosis.

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How does cannabis affect mental illness?

The link between the use of cannabis and symptoms of schizophrenia is clear even though it has been surrounded by controversy. The use of cannabis can trigger and lead to an earlier onset of schizophrenia in those already predisposed to this mental illness. It is also clear that some people living with schizophrenia use cannabis to self-medicate and manage their symptoms. 

The reality is a lot is still unknown about the brain, and research is still being done on the relationship between cannabis, the brain and schizophrenia.

As the brain (especially the pre-frontal cortex) is still developing until a person is approximately 25, BC Schizophrenia Society strongly urges people to learn as much as they can about cannabis, psychosis, and schizophrenia.


Here are some resources that we’ve gathered to provide you with more information on the link between youth, cannabis, and mental illness.

Cannabis & mental illness

Learn about the potential effects that marijuana and THC can have on the mental well-being of youth and children in a video that features BCSS Youth participants and Dr. Debbie Thompson.