BC Schizophrenia Society Launches Cannabis & Mental Illness Video to Educate British Columbia Youth Ahead of World Mental Health Day
1 in 100 people live with schizophrenia, and for those predisposed to a…
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Questions are regularly asked about cannabis use and its potential risks, such as psychosis.
The link between the use of cannabis and symptoms of schizophrenia is clear even though it has been surrounded by controversy. The use of cannabis can trigger and lead to an earlier onset of schizophrenia in those already predisposed to this mental illness. It is also clear that some people living with schizophrenia use cannabis to self-medicate and manage their symptoms.
The reality is a lot is still unknown about the brain, and research is still being done on the relationship between cannabis, the brain and schizophrenia.
As the brain (especially the pre-frontal cortex) is still developing until a person is approximately 25, BC Schizophrenia Society strongly urges people to learn as much as they can about cannabis, psychosis, and schizophrenia.
Here are some resources that we’ve gathered to provide you with more information on the link between youth, cannabis, and mental illness.
Cannabis and Psychosis – A Brief Guide – A handout recently developed by the BC Early Psychosis Advanced Practice Program and given to caregivers that summarizes the current research to date.
HeretoHelp Fact Sheet on Cannabis and Psychosis – A fact sheet on cannabis and psychosis provided by the BC Partners for Mental Health and Additions Information, a group of non-profit agencies providing good-quality information to help individuals and families maintain or improve their mental well-being.
HeretoHelp Brochure on Safer Cannabis Use – A brochure on safer cannabis developed by the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research who is a member of the BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information.
World Health Organization Management of Substance Abuse-Cannabis – A fact sheet created by the World Health Organization on the management of substance abuse and cannabis.
HeretoHelp Brochure Learn About Cannabis – A brochure to teach people about cannabis. It was created by the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research in partnership with HeretoHelp, funded by the Provincial Health Services Authority.
Cannabis: What Parents/Guardians and Caregivers Need to Know – A fact sheet by CAMH for caregivers and parents on cannabis use by children and youth.
BC EPI Advanced Practice “Cannabis and Psychosis: A Review of the Links” – A summary of a larger review that attempts to provide an overall finding linking psychosis and cannabis. Created by Dr. Tom Ehmann (BC Early Psychosis Intervention Advanced Practice (EPI)) and Dr. Alasdair Barr (UBC Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics)
Adverse Health Effects of Marijuana Use – The research paper investigates the adverse health effects of marijuana use. Created by Dr. Nora D. Volkow, Dr. Ruben D. Baler, Dr. Wilson M. Compton, and Dr. Susan R.B. Weiss.
Cannabis and Psychosis – The University of Alberta with support from Alberta Health Services and Alberta Addiction and Mental Health Research Partnership Program.
“Implications of Cannabis Legalization on Youth and Young Adults” – A position statement by the Canadian Psychiatric Association focused on youth and young adults as mental illness and substance use disorders often begin in this age group, with the objective to ensure optimal mental health outcomes.
Practice Standard Cannabis for Medical Purposes – A position statement by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.
Learn about the potential effects that marijuana and THC can have on the mental well-being of youth and children in a video that features BCSS Youth participants and Dr. Debbie Thompson.
1 in 100 people live with schizophrenia, and for those predisposed to a…
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